Tuesday, 17 January 2012

10 facts about me is reveals!!

Hey everybody, today I want to reveal about my life. There are 10 facts that other didn’t know about me:-

1) I was born to planning, there are a lot of people that always ask me in planning something since I’m 10 years old. I there is a lot of event that i have planned such as our prophet's birthday, sport ceremony and camping. All people seems happy and interesting with my plan.

2) I got a lot of talent but I didn’t like to show it to others because my grandfather asked me to do so. I love singing an impersonate my voice to our great pop singer Jamal Abdillah. I also have a talent in acting and i love in watching Hindustan movie so that i can learn from them even though we know that they are cheating us but they can easily make us believe in their acting. I also love sing in wedding ceremony and in club but not a pub. I like to sing in k-box because i can sing freely and loudly as loud as i can.

3) I’m intelligent and brilliant also genius but this is Dr Fadzilah Kamsah told me and I still don’t believe in it. This fact actually i also didn't know and didn't believe it but Dr Fadzilah Kamsah had told me that it is true and i can understand easily than other people if i try little hard and show an effort. My weakness is I'm lazy and always study in last minute, that's why i cant get the pointer higher.

4) He also told me that I’m not easy to give up while doing something. this is real that i cant easily give up while doing something even though there is impossible on doing that and people always think that I'm doing something silly and told me that I'm crazy but for me as long there is a need, there is a way.

5) The dangerous about me that I can’t spend money, i wont able to spend money even i  had try hard to spend some money for my future but that is my weakness that i cannot spend a money even for a minute. there is a lot of things that i loved to buy if i have a lot of money. that didn't mean that i was extravagant person but it showed that I'm such caring and lovely person who loved to donate all my money to those in need.

6) According to the Dr.Fadzilah Kamsah's divination, it told me that I also good in relationship but easily break up when knowing my partner is cheating on me. Its not mean that I didn't good in relation but I will feel terrible when someones cheat on me even my brother also scolded by me if he is cheating on me. That is my style that didn't like others cheat on me even I can't cheat others but if they feel that I have cheat them ,I will tell them the truth.I

7) My body is normal but a little masculine. This is what the others didn't know about my body because I always wearing loose shirt to hide my real body figure.It is because I think that my body is not masculine enough to show it to other. It is my secret that I want to keep it until I married.

8) I like in taking balanced food in my lunch and dinner such as vegetables and fruits that i always mix it into my food, but i can't get it now since my stomach sick and it will always make me feel pain after i eat those food. It's not mean that the food make me into this pain but maybe I eat both vegetables and fruits in wrong quantity and maybe it is not fresh at all and i should mix it to be more healthy.

9) I easily got disease at my back, heart and my eyes also my skin.This disease that i got from my parents which is we called it as a race disease. I will easily felt in pain because my blood is smaller than normal people but it is not a harmful disease that can make me stay in hospital and get special treatment from hospital, it is just normal disease that i still can handle it.
10) I’m good in leading, I had lead since I turn to 14 years old but I want to stay calm without leading in university and focus on my study.
That’s all guy, this 10 fact I got from DR Fadzilah Kamsah while I meet him in such meeting between leader in my dream..BYE see you all soon on next post…..

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